[講座] Taylor & Francis 10 月份線上英文講座


Open Access Books Publishing 101: Getting Started 

開放取用書籍出版 101 : 入門指南

Date : 16 October 2024  11.00am - 12.15pm
Registration link : https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3194442360327246172

Speakers :
Clarissa Lim, Commissioning Editor  / Vilija Stephens, Commissioning Editor 


What to expect ?
     Join our editors, Clarissa Lim and Vilija Stephens in our webinar, open access book 101: getting started. Discover the open access advantage, learn about the editorial process, and unlock strategies for maximizing your research’s reach. Whether you’re an experienced author or just starting out, this event will empower you to make an impact through Open Access publishing.

       與我們的編輯, Clarissa Lim 和 Vilija Stephens, 一起瞭解開放取用書籍出版 : 


Excellence in Peer Review: How to be an Effective Peer Reviewer

卓越的同儕評審: 如何成為有效的審閱者 

Date : 16 October 2024  4.30pm – 6.00pm
Registration link : https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8640890798749099102

Speakers : 
Shreya Arora, Team Lead - Content Review, Taylor & Francis
Sukrit Bhattacharyy, Senior Team Lead - Content Review, Taylor & Francis




What to expect ?
     Whether an article can be accepted or not depends on the opinions of the reviewers. However, even experienced reviewers may not always be clear on what to focus on during the peer review process. So, we hope that you can participate in this training, regardless of whether you are the author or the reviewer.

    Here, we have summarized the opinions of various experts to help you sort out various aspects that need to be understood during the peer review process. Including:

  • An overview of the different types of peer review
  • The responsibilities of a peer reviewer
  • What are the reviewers focusing on in peer review
  • Ethical concerns in peer review 

    We offer certificates to participants who complete the workshop. If you would like the opportunity to gain further experience as a reviewer and establish closer connections with journals, after attending this workshop, you can become a member of the Taylor & Francis Talent Pool. 



  • 同儕評審種類簡介
  • 作為審閱者的責任
  • 同儕評審中審稿者關注的重點是什麼
  • 同儕評審查中的道德問題 

       我們將頒發證書給完成此講座的參與者。如果您希望有機會獲得更多作為審閱者的經驗並與期刊建立更緊密的聯繫,參加本次講座後,您可以成為 Taylor & Francis 人才庫的成員。


How to take your academic social media to the next level


Date : 23 October 2024  3.00pm – 4.30pm
Registration link : https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1003869946746941531

Speakers :
Shreya Arora, Team Lead - Content Review, Taylor & Francis
Sukrit Bhattacharyy, Senior Team Lead - Content Review, Taylor & Francis

What to expect ?

     Are you ready to stand out from the crowd and elevate your digital presence? It’s easy to fall into bad habits or get lost in the noise when sharing on social media. Join our upcoming session to take your social media skills to the next level. You’ll learn strategic tips, content guidance, and practical advice to help you refine your approach and maximize the impact of your posts. Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your digital voice. 




Editor Insights: Exploring Publishing Ethics in Academia












Speakers :
David Hundt, Deakin University (Deputy Editor of Asian Studies Review)
Wendy Imlach, Monash University (Section Editor of Journal of Pain Research)
Shay O'Neill, Consulting Editor Manager 

Date : 30 October 2024  1pm
Registration link : https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6894459516869986654

What to expect ?
In this session, Consulting Editor Manager Shay O'Neill will take us through topics such as authorship, key ethical declarations, competing interests, duplicate submissions, and plagiarism. Our guests will then discuss common ethical issues they've encountered, how the publishing landscape has evolved within their fields, and offer expert advice in an interactive panel discussion.

        在本次講座中,顧問編輯經理 Shay O'Neill 將帶領我們探討如作者身份、主要倫理聲明、競爭利益、重複提交以及抄襲等主題。隨後,我們的嘉賓將討論他們所遇到的常見倫理問題、各自領域內出版環境的演變,以及在互動式小組討論中提供專業建議。


    除了上述的講座之外  因應廣大的需求   
  T&F RDO (研究發展及推廣部門) 團隊再次推出針對人文社會科學 (HSS) 和科學技術 (STM) 的短期互動訓練營  

以下是課程內容及相關細節的連結,請注意名額有限,將優先考慮報名參加所有三個會議的與會者 (*與會者必須有在國際期刊上發表過一篇論文的經驗)。

Peer Review Bootcamp (HSS & STM) 同儕評審線上學習課程 
What to expect ?
This event will have a lot of interactive discussion sessions, and some case studies will be given to you in advance for class discussion. This is why we won’t record the webinar, and we won’t make class discussions public anywhere.

The activities are :
Are you an expert?: How to identify and communicate your research expertise, and whether you are a good fit to review a paper
Dissecting a submission: Identifying the key elements of a strong paper
Making a recommendation: How to write a constructive report and give a well-informed recommendation. 

活動內容包括 :
Benefits of the boot camp :
Develop a deep understanding of how peer review works, how to assess a paper, what should be included in a report, and how to structure your reports
Fantastic opportunity to network with other researchers in your field
Opportunity to be linked to one of our journals once you complete the training
Certificate of completion to all who attend each session and engage in the activities.
線上課程帶來的益處 :

These sessions will not be recorded. 這些課程將不會被錄製。 

Session 1: Starting Out as a Peer Reviewer 作為同儕評審的起步
Starts 15 October – HSS (人文社會科學) | 16 October
STM (科學技術)

This session will give you an overview of peer review, offer tips for choosing journals, and will help you decide whether you are a good fit to review a paper.

Session 2: Assessing a Manuscript 評閱手稿
Starts 22 October – HSS (人文社會科學) | 23 October
STM (科學技術)

This session will help you to understand what you need to consider when reviewing a manuscript.

Session 3: Writing the Review Report & Editor Panel 撰寫評審報告及編輯小組
Starts 29 October – HSS (人文社會科學) | 30 October
STM (科學技術)

In this session, you will not only receive training on how to write a review report, but you can also meet our editors and get their advice.

More information : https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/events/peer-review-bootcamp/
更多資訊請參見 : https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/events/peer-review-bootcamp/